~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NCR WaveLAN Software for PC-MC, Version: 1.04 April 6, 1993 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 3.5" diskette ( disk 1 of 1 ) contains the following directories and files: Component: Release Information. Directory: \ (Root) Files: DISKETTE.TXT - This file. README.TXT - General information about the software release. CHANGE.TXT - Changes in this release related to the earlier release. Component: Hardware Information. Directory: \ (Root) Files: @6A14.ADF - WaveLAN Adapter Description File. Component: Automatic Card Installation, version 1.00 Directory: \ (Root) Files: INSTALL.EXE - Automatic Installation Utility INSTALL.DAT - Script file DISK.ID - Disk Identification file Directory: \SCRIPTS INSTALL2.DAT - Script file DISK2.ID - Disk Identification file INSTALL3.DAT - Configuration Disk script file DISK3.ID - Configuration Disk Identification file AUTOEXEC.BAT - Configuration Disk start-up file Component: WaveLAN Configuration Utilities (PC-MC, MS-DOS), version 1.04 Directory: \CONFIG.DOS Files: SETCONF .EXE - Configuration Setup Utility INSTCONF.EXE - Configuration Install Utility Component: Point-to-Point Diagnostics (PC-MC, MS-DOS),version 1.05 Directory: \PTPDIAG.DOS Files: PTPDIAG .EXE - Point-to-Point Diagnostics Component: NetWare v2.x Drivers (PC-MC), version 1.02 Directory: \ (Root) Files: ANCRWL11.OBJ - \ BNCRWL11.OBJ - \ Modules for Novell Netware v2.x OS CNCRWL11.OBJ - / ( Server ). DNCRWL11.OBJ - / SNCRWL11.OBJ - Module for Novell Netware v2.x DOS Shell ( Workstation ). ONCRWL11.LAN - \ Driver Description File for Novell ONCRWL11.215 - / Netware OS v2.15 and up. ONCRWL11.21X - Driver Description File for Novell Netware OS v2.1x. SNCRWL11.LAN - \ Driver Description File for Novell SNCRWL11.215 - / Netware Shell v2.15 and up. SNCRWL11.21X - Driver Description File for Novell Netware Shell v2.1x. Component: WaveLAN NetWare v3.x Server Driver (PC-AT and PC-MC), version 1.06 Directory: \NETWARE.NW3 Files: NCRWL03.LAN - Module for Novell Netware v3.1x Server Component: WaveLAN NetWare OS/2 Requester Driver (PC-AT and PC-MC), version 1.06 Directory: \NETWARE.OS2 Files: NCRWL04.SYS - Module for Novell Netware OS/2 Requester NET.CFG - Sample Configuration file to use 802.3 frame type Component: NetWare DOS ODI Workstation Driver, version 1.04 Directory: \ (Root) Files: NCRWL05.COM - DOS ODI Driver Executable. NET.CFG - Sample Configuration file to use 802.3 frame type Component: WaveLAN NDIS Drivers (PC-AT and PC-MC), version: 2.05 Directory: \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\NIF Files: DNCRWL02.NIF - DOS LAN Manager Setup helper data. Directory: \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\WAVELAN Files: DNCRWL02.DOS - DOS NDIS Driver Executable PROTOCOL.INI - NDIS Driver Parameters OEMSETUP.INF - Windows for Workgroups Parameters Directory: \MSLANMAN.OS2\DRIVERS\NIF Files: ONCRWL02.NIF - OS/2 LAN Manager Setup helper data. Directory: \MSLANMAN.OS2\DRIVERS\WAVELAN Files: ONCRWL02.OS2 - OS/2 NDIS Driver Executable PROTOCOL.INI - NDIS Driver Parameters Directory: \IBMLAN Files: ONCRWL02.OS2 - OS/2 NDIS Driver Executable WAVELAN.NIF - OS/2 IBM Lan Server Setup helper data. IBMLAN20.TXT - Text file with support information Component: Node Diagnostics (Novell NetWare, MS-DOS), version: 2.00 Directory: \NODEDIAG\NETWARE Files: NDIPXDOS.EXE - NetWare IPX Node Diagnostics for DOS Workstation. $RUN .OVL - \ ERR$TAL .DAT - \ Menu system files. IBM$RUN .OVL - / SYS$TAL .DAT - / Component: Node Diagnostics (Novell NetWare, OS/2), version: 1.00 Directory: \NODEDIAG\NETWARE Files: NDIPXOS2.EXE - NetWare IPX Node Diagnostics for OS/2 Workstation. $RUN .OVL - \ ERR$TAL .DAT - \ IBM$RUN .OVL - \ Menu system files. SYS$HELP.DAT - / SYS$TAL .DAT - / TALLIES .HLP - / Component: Node Diagnostics (NDIS), version: 1.04 Directory: \NODEDIAG\NDIS.DOS Files: NDNDIDOS.EXE - NDIS Node Diagnostics for DOS Workstation. Directory: \NODEDIAG\NDIS.OS2 Files: NDNDIOS2.EXE - NDIS Node Diagnostics for OS/2 Workstation.